June 21, 2010

Praise Your Way Through!

Praise Your Way Through!

That's How You Get The Victory!

Even the greatest men of God sometimes got discouraged, like King David. David was a great Psalmist, a great singer, & he usually sang beautiful praises to the Lord. But one time before he was king, he was sure that Saul was going to kill him, & he actually said, "Some day I shall surely die at the hand of Saul!" (1Sam.27:1) Thank God David never wrote a Psalm saying that! How could you sing that? Did David ever die at the hand of Saul? He never did! So that was just the Devil trying to discourage him. If you let the Devil get you down & use your mouth, & you speak doubt & discouragement & his lies, you are preaching the Devil's own doctrines! Don't do it, or you're just letting the Enemy in. Take a positive stand against the attacks of the Enemy & fight the Devil & fight his doubts! The minute you feel discouraged, start praising the Lord, start going on the attack! As long as you've got a praise in your mouth, you can't complain & murmur!

The Enemy hates praise. He hates songs that praise the Lord & he hates God's Word most of all! So keep full of it! Amen?

Words From Jesus

The path of true greatness is the path that goes through Me. I cannot make you great until you have come to Me with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your mind, and all of your strength.

These things that you have passed through are not defeats, but they are stepping stones to glory--not the glory of man, but the glory of God, the glory of humility, the glory of utter dependence upon Me, the glory of My Spirit working through the humble heart, the trusting soul, the yielded mind, the loving spirit.

So know and understand that the things that you suffer, the hardships that you are faced with, the burdens that you bear, the testing, the purging, the trying, the heartache and heartbreak, the pressure, the squeezing, the difficulties and sufferings, do not take you away from Me. They are not a sign of My displeasure. They are not meant to show that I am not there. They are the steps that you must go through to come to Me.

But know that I am always there. In the deepest and darkest experiences and in the greatest despair, I am there. Turn and face Me and trust Me, even when all else seems so dark. Trust Me, for I take you through the darkness that I may bring you out into My glorious light--the light of My love, My truth, My strength, and My power.

"When you feel as if you're going to scream,

take a few moments to get away from it all if you can.

Breathe deeply, try to see things in perspective,

and come out and face the world again when you are ready."

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